I do college counseling a little differently.

my approach

I believe that college counseling is only as good as the personal relationship that develops between counselor and student and counselor and parents. Our team and curriculum-based approach is built upon this belief. I work with every AdmissionsYOU family. 

Pathway to College




Journey of Self-Discovery

Journey of

Build a College List

Complete Applications

I guide students through their high school journey of self discovery.

Step 1
9th, 10th, 11th

Step 1: 9th, 10th, 11th

The Four Dimensions of a College Applicant

What subjects are you most excited about? Do you take the most rigorous classes? How do you do on standardized tests? Do you see your teachers during office hours?

Outside of the classroom, what do you do? Are you a year-round athlete, musician, or artist? Do you have a cause you are passionate about? What do you do just for fun?

How would you describe yourself as a communicator (oral and written)? Are you comfortable speaking in public? Do you journal? Do you dread writing assignments?

How have you grown in your community (family, school, neighborhood, city, etc.) during high school? What do you do to make the lives of those around you better?

who am i

who am i

who am i in the

who am I as a





During these important years, where we learn more about each student using the rubric above as our guide, we help students develop their passions and interests by identifying summer programs, projects, and curriculum choices that will help cultivate and experience those interests.

A Guiding Hand

We build balanced college lists centered around fit.

Step 2

So many students start their admissions journey by quickly forming a college list. We flip the script. First, using data from our many meetings, assessments, campus visits, transcripts, and financial considerations, we develop a deep understanding of the applicant.

Then, we draw upon our extensive knowledge of colleges to build a  list that is balanced between Likely, Target, and Reach schools that ALL fit. This process cannot be cut short. With a good list in hand, we then move to Step 3.

The Art of a Balanced List

I insure students submit their strongest applications.

Step 3

Our Pathway to college Timeline

Having Mark dedicated to my son (and me!) has been incredible...he made our college journey a huge success! 

Parent, Georgia Tech admittee

types of students

Working with Me


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24/7 Access via Private Discord Server

Virtual Meetings: FaceTime, Zoom

Private Online College Planning Portal

Private Online Essay Management Portal

Access to Career Counseling Coaches & Research Project Mentors (additional fees)